And When Something Doesn't Hurt....

Just thinking about muscle pain, aches and the tight feeling that is always somewhere on this 46 year old body! If it isn't somewhere then I think I just haven't been working out enough. I am not going for all out I can't stand it and have to take drugs pain. I am satisfied with a dull ache, a tightness, and a feeling that if I could just stretch this particular spot or that spot, it would go away. Stretching well does help a lot, so does rolling out the offending muscles. But a day of rest for the sore spots does more good than anything else. I know most people think I am crazy, and perhaps I have gone a little "OCD" about my workouts, but I am happy with the results and am in the best shape of my life.

Keep Texas Beautiful Conference 2010

As is typical of my attendance at a conference, any conference, I diligently took notes and uploaded them as google documents. I took notes, started this blog entry and then flaked off or something. I need to be a bit more consistent to build a following. If anyone who attended the conference is interested in my notes I'll post a list of the sessions I attended and links to the google docs. I am also thinking about creating a google survey linking to a spreadsheet for our fall clean up wrap up reports (test a theory that if it is online more people will actually do it and do it in a timely manner). The quality of the presentations was good at the conference. Everyone was friendly, helpful and enthusiastic about their topics! The book mentioned the most at the conference was "Last Child in the Woods." I recommend it because it is a good read and makes some great points about what our children missing by not being outdoors exploring their environment. If we could get children away from electronics, get families out camping and hiking together AND change their eating habits it would certainly improve their quality of life and life expectancy!

Group WOD Crossfit in Common June 19, 2010

TEAM Building, Camaraderie and Cheerleading abound when we get together for our group WODs.  Thanks to Cody for putting together such even teams, shows how well he knows our strengths and weaknesses!

Running Cindy...YIKES!
