I purchased this book to read with my Nook app on my phone. Diane Owen a friend and fellow book lover recommended it as a great book for Zack to read. We looked around for it at the time and finally bought a copy for Zachary Watson, resident sci-fi/fantasy critic of the Watson household. Zachary gave the book high marks. I am now a fan as well and am looking forward to reading the next installment.
The football held up well... the boys were quite cold! Here is a similar nerf football. The boys have the full size vrsion not the junior size.
The first week of December I got a flu shot. I waited for a while. I sat and watched people come and go out of the Pharmcare in Pearland. People were picking up prescriptions, purchasing medical supplies and like the rest of the Pearland population most were carrying extra weight. Soon the certified immunization technician (yes you earn a certificate in order to be able to inoculate people with a dose of vaccine) came in to the small room to give me my injection. She asked me to push up my sleeve.
Then it came the question I love getting... "oh you have muscles... do you work out?" She says she has never given a flu vaccine to a woman with arm muscles. My pre-inoculation paperwork says I am a 46 year old female. I gave her my favorite answer, "no, I don't." The look on the face of the questioner is always priceless. Common sense tells them I must workout. AND of course I DO. I am 46 years old, I am 5'2", 117 pounds, (wear a size "zero - how can zero be a size pray tell?) and I have muscles.
In May 2008 I was the heaviest of my life! IT was scary... I have previously blogged about it. I originally lost over 40 pounds. I have since put on 7 pounds of musculature. I have learned that the majority of people DO NOT want to hear that you have to exercise to lost weight. They want it to be easy. In their heart of hearts most want to hear of some magic cure that you stumbled upon. They do not want to hear about low fat, low carb, high protein diets (lots of meat, greens, nuts, fruit). They don't want to eat 5-6 small meals a day. AND mostly they DO NOT want to hear that exercise includes aerobic exercise (cardio), body-weight exercises and weight bearing exercise. Weight bearing exercise is very important to increasing your bone density. That is why I am such a fan of Crossfit. www.crossfitincommon.com
I predict that once again the top New Year's Resolution will be to lose weight or get fit.
If you really want my advice then be ready to take me up on it. I am willing to work out with you, help you, be your biggest cheerleader, and show you some websites that will help you on your road to fitness.
There was a time when it would have been difficult for me to find beauty in the "drabness" of winter. But I have found that if one looks hard enough you can find treasures that are a pleasure to the eye.
Love is a wonderful feeling. Love should be in the air. Christmas is coming. New Hope East Campus is light on attendance this morning. I think that is because of the Pearland Oiler game last night. I have been watching folks as they walk into church. I am looking for the happy folks. Those that will make eye contact and smile at you. I am especially focusing on those who are wearing a New Hope shirt of some sort.
If you are one of those folks then you should work hard to sell "brotherly love." That is not a difficult job! It really is as simple as saying hello and smiling at people. This can make a difference to someone. It might make their day, it might make a difference, that person may decide to come back to New Hope. So, look for me, see if I am smiling. Interrupt me as I type on this computer, really I am sitting here waiting for something to go wrong with a computer...and I am not too busy to talk to or smile at you!