Rest Day, I don't know why I dread it. I suppose it is my addiction to endorphins. My husband thinks I am crazy, perhaps I am. I wasn't an athlete when I was in school, and I am not sure if I would call myself an athlete now. I am sure that I am an addict, addicted to working out. I am proud of what I have accomplished in the past three years AND I am proud of my progress since I started doing Crossfit fulltime (now we workout at I have been looking for photos of me and apparently if you are the resident photographer those photos do not exist. Perhaps I will be able to find a photo on my external hard drive at home...if I do I will post a before photo and a recent photo. Back to rest is difficult for me to NOT do anything related to working out on any given day. I know that it is necessary and what is best for my body so I am getting back to incorporating them into my schedule. If you see me at the box (Crossfit lingo for Gym) remember to ask me about my last day rest...maybe that will help keep me on the track to getting stronger!