Keep Pearland Beautiful hosts Cigarette Litter Awareness Day - Your Houston News: Living

Keep Pearland Beautiful hosts Cigarette Litter Awareness Day - Your Houston News: Living

It is really difficult for me to separate work from the rest of my life.  I am so passionate about improving our community environment.  Littering costs us so much on multiple levels.  Cigarette Butts in particular are disgusting, unsightly and harmful to our wildlife mostly by poisoning their habitats.  Please remind the smokers you know to keep their butts in their cars!  We have some cigarette butt receptacles that fit nicely into your car cup holder.  Visit us and pick up one today.
Our office is in the Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Dr, Pearland, Texas 77581 - we are here 9AM to 4PM most days Monday through Friday.  Give us call to make sure we aren't out at an event (281-652-1659)

Scientists sequence DNA of ancient American - SciGuy

Scientists sequence DNA of ancient American - SciGuy:

Eric Berger is one of my favorite writers/ bloggers from the Houston Chronicle.  Of course, that may be because I am a BIG Geek and he is the SciGuy!  This posting about sequencing the DNA from a Clovis culture one year old boy.  The DNA sequencing helps support evidence for the migration of people to North America from Siberia 15000 years ago.  Check out the full story at the link listed above!

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