5 ways to take control of your Facebook News Feed

This is a great posting from Mashable.  I love the tips and will start using them to help me keep my sanity.  Nothing is worse than a constant stream of negativity from your second cousin, or a neighbor down the street.  Well, maybe a constant stream of unwanted political advice is a close second in annoying and even ruining my day.  I want to stay connected with these folks but I do not want to see all of these negative posts in my news feed!

5 ways to take control of your Facebook News Feed:

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An Inconsistent Blogger

Here I am sitting in front of my computer vowing to do better, yet knowing me I just won't be disciplined enough to blog every day.  I wonder what works for others.  How do you remember to post something? I may try setting an alarm with a reminder.  That is how I remember other things...like picking up Zack on his early days and putting out the trash on the right days.  I have some photos that I want to start sharing.  I am on a mission to capture life in monochrome.  I fell in love with B&W photography years ago and redeveloped a passion for it over the last few months.  We will see how this next adventure goes.  Check back and if you don't see some blogs strung together contact me and give me a hard time.


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