Last Workout at UHCL

Inside the workout classes and personal training class at UHCL you will find people of all ages and all fitness levels.  The best part of being in this gym is that it is a great equalizer, at least an intellectual and social equalizer, and as you get more proficient and more fit a physical equalizer.  When we walk through the doorway and into the gym for our workout time, we enter this different world.  We all wear workout clothes, athletic shoes of some sort and carry a water bottle. Although, I considered myself fit, I have learned a lot from Cary Hair. Since January I have learned how to warm up using joint mobility exercises, how to do the Burgener Warm-Up, how to squat (in all of the wonderful varieties that exist with weights and without), lunge, push up, pull up, box jump, and all kinds of lifts (many that still get confused in my mind)!  My max attempt at double under jump rope is still 0 but I keep trying!  My handstand push up is taking form, I can ring dip and do a few pull ups without relying on any bands!  I really have enjoyed meeting students, staff and a few other faculty that have been working out.  The competition of the work outs of the day have been a great motivational tool for me to get stronger and faster (comment if you don't agree with my next statement but  I think we have all missed Senthil's braggadocio attitude this week, and I have missed having that little extra competitive push to not lose to him). I want to say thanks to everyone, the cheerleading and positive support have been great.  Keep up the good work and keep challenging yourselves.......and Layla - you and your can do attitude are awesome!

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