Can you say what a blur???
I thought I would remember everything...that it would all stay fresh in my mind. David's stay in the ICU really became one day much the same as the next. On the vent and having such a hard time breathing it was scary. Recovering from pneumonia and trying to use parts of his body that weren't listening was difficult for David. In fact, here we are on day 17 of our stay in the TMC and that part is still difficult and tiring. His troublesome cough kept waking him up last night. The lack of sleep really does make a difference in how much activity he can tolerate.
So many folks took care of us during the past two weeks...bringing us food, keeping us company
- My Mom, My Sister Maureen and her family
- Mike and Jill - thank you so much for giving David so much time Mike... he loves it!
- Doug and Jaci
- George and Renee!!! Your friendship really does mean so much to us!
- Kayla - you are so strong and continue to inspire me... thank you for babying me :-), and David's shampoo...he did SOOOOO enjoy that!
- Dorit - a shower and sushi...and escape for a little while
- The NSBRI folks
- Debbie and Brenda - (all that you have done to help me through this and with my sanity...thanks!), Theresa and Ruth for helping them with food ... thank you
- Ruth - You think you are depressing really aren't, you continue to prepare me for the next hurdle! that is oh so very important!
- Pearland Crossfit and our wonderful workout teams .... thank you! Thank you Alyssa for feeding the boys for days!
- The Baylor folks
- The NASA folks
- Virgil and Debby - the trip to the emergency room, food, food and sounding board...
- All the wonderful Keep Pearland Beautiful folks - especially Marjorie, Delores, Kathy, Erin, Alisa and of course Linda!
- The scouting folks who are on hold but keeping us in their thoughts and prayers!
- Our wonderful church family...thank you New Hope Church!
- Susan - who has become a friend, thank you for the meal tickets, parking pass use and support of strangers...thank you thank you thank you
- AND thanks to EVERYONE for their thoughts and prayers and good wishes!
August 1, 2011 at 8:08 PM
Fay, you are such a strong woman! Thank you creating the blog. I will be following.