We went to Armani - chinese buffet for dinner. Elyse and Ross came back to the house to see Lola. Chasing Lola around the backyard and playing with her inside the house. The dog was Queen of the evening for a while! Got some good shots of bees on the bottle brush flowers. No hummingbirds were seen this evening. Click on the photo to jump to the picasa photo album!
Pay attention! Well, I am sure there was an email...and I missed it. I am sure there was more than one email warning me to migrate my former blog to another spot. Well, I missed the boat and unfortunately lost them all! They were only words - right? They were a record of my life and thoughts through a fairly rough period of time. There was a lot of introspection about me, my friends and the kind of person I wanted to be! There were thoughts about stress, the Scout Law, and obedience. AND Bullying! AND what kinds of "adult" behaviors I consider bullying behavior. Could I recreate these posts? I also had chronicled our journey to get in better shape, change our diet increase the calorie burn. Some of these I probably have as emails of drafts that I sent to David to check out before I posted them. I never delete email, my pile of email just grows and grows! Blogging to me was never about reaching anyone, it was more about touching something inside me. So...as my journey through life winds around the next bend check back and see what I have to say... hopefully since this is a Google product it will still be here when you come back to visit!
Of course, I can't know exactly how life is for you David. All that I know for sure is that I am watching a fine man struggle with recovery from a stroke. Not just physically, emotionally, and mentally. I know it is difficult, I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in the effort it takes to do the simplest things. I know there is no understanding why this happened to you. I understand why that would bother you too.
For now, there just is living, breathing and trying. Putting one foot in front of the other and continuing the recovery process. I know that you are bored. I wish I could take that away.
I am tired, I am scared, but I am not afraid to face the future with you. You are strong, you are resilient and you have come so far since the scary days of being in the ICU.
People ask how you are doing. People ask how am I doing. Compared to what you are going through how can I dare complain. Perhaps the slight pause in my response or the little extra squeeze in the hug tells its own story. Physically, I am fine. I am extremely healthy. Mentally I am strong, staying positive but I am always looking for the little signs of progress. David's progress keeps me going. It is more difficult to see day to day now, but nonetheless continues; praise God!
2011-09-05 PCF 930AM with Garrett - Fay Watson - Picasa Web Albums:
'via Blog this'
David's first excursion to Pearland Crossfit! Thanks to everyone for welcoming him, it was great for him to feel a part of the group again!