GOing, GOing, GOne!

Pay attention! Well, I am sure there was an email...and I missed it. I am sure there was more than one email warning me to migrate my former blog to another spot. Well, I missed the boat and unfortunately lost them all! They were only words - right? They were a record of my life and thoughts through a fairly rough period of time. There was a lot of introspection about me, my friends and the kind of person I wanted to be! There were thoughts about stress, the Scout Law, and obedience. AND Bullying! AND what kinds of "adult" behaviors I consider bullying behavior. Could I recreate these posts? I also had chronicled our journey to get in better shape, change our diet increase the calorie burn. Some of these I probably have as emails of drafts that I sent to David to check out before I posted them. I never delete email, my pile of email just grows and grows! Blogging to me was never about reaching anyone, it was more about touching something inside me. So...as my journey through life winds around the next bend check back and see what I have to say... hopefully since this is a Google product it will still be here when you come back to visit!

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