
I am sure that I have used this title before.  Perhaps a long time ago when I had a blog on Microsoft's cloud that went away.  I used to write a lot of things... things amusing to Fay and just plain old musings.  I spent a lot of time griping about bullies I wish I hadn't lost all of those blog postings.  It makes me sad that I didn't rescue them.  It wasn't until it was too late that I realized how much the posts meant to me.  Lesson learned...if you wrote it, you put time and thought into it, so don't lose it!  I don't even know if any of it even made an impact on anyone.  I guess that part really isn't important to me. These postings are really for me and about things I care about.  Well, for someone who was just trying to keep her commitment to post things regularly I have managed to say a lot about nothing at all.  'Til next time...

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