Some Thoughts on Recycling...

I was looking at recycling data the other day and was very disappointed in the numbers for Pearland. See my blog on that topic click here.  Last year Pearland had a solid waste diversion rate of 10%.  The low rate inspires me to try harder and reminds me that we at KPB need to do do a better job of getting into classrooms to change the norms associated with recycling and recycling behaviors.

A recent morning spent with kindergarten and 1st grade students reminded me that they are the key.  If we can reach more children and get our message out to them regularly I think that we can make changes in their behavior and their families behaviors.

We need more families in Pearland to do their part.  A drive through a Pearland neighborhood on recycling day was disappointing.  Only 1 out of 6 houses had a recycling bin in front of their houses.  Recycling has gotten to be so easy, but how do we get this message to the average family?  Most of what is put out for the garbage man is really recyclable or yard waste.   If we all did our part most of our solid waste can be diverted from landfill through consistent recycling and diverting green waste by putting it out for the green truck.

As long as packaging is clean it is recyclable curbside.  The only things not recyclable curbside in Pearland are plastic bags & plastic film and #6 polystyrene plastics.  Metal cans (steel, tin and aluminum), plastics (1-7 but not 6), glass, and all paper including cartons like milk cartons are recyclable curbside click here for a complete list.

Plastic bags and other plastic films can be recycled by stuffing them all in a plastic shopping bag and dropping them in the plastic bag drop off at several area stores including: HEB Plus!, Walmart, Target, Kroger, Randalls, Lowe's, and Sam's Club.  To find out more about plastic bag and plastic film recycling click here.

Yard waste and trimmings recycling is very easy to do.  To participate, residents should place grass, leaves, flowers, stalks, stems and trimmings in a translucent (semi clear) bag at curbside on their collection day. The weight of the bag should not exceed 35 pounds. Tree limbs and branches should be cut no longer than five feet in length and tied in bundles no larger than 18 inches in diameter and no heavier than 50 pounds. 

Need to know your recycling and yard waste pick up days? Use the City Property Search function to find out when your pick up days are for trash and recycling… click here and put your address in the fields in the top right corner.

Do you have any other questions about recycling in Pearland?  Want to have someone come and talk trash to your group or classroom? Give KPB a call at 281-652-1779 or email us a  

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