Working out with an "On Ramper"

Yes, I am competitive. But sometimes it is great working out just to one keeping score. I love group workouts, I like meeting new people and sharing my love of Crossfit with them.

Photos by David Watson

Do you remember in elementary school when the PE coach picked two people to be team captains? Then the captains picked people to be on their team...usually one child at a time. How hateful and stressful a time for the captains and for the children waiting round after round for their name to be called. It can probably seem like that to the new person coming to a Saturday Crossfit workout for the first time.

So, I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone introduce yourself to someone you don't know. Ask someone to workout with you who you haven't teamed up with before. I really don't mind working out with the new person, the inexperienced person and hopefully we learn from each other. I hope I don't intimidate them, I was once like them...the person new to Crossfit.

Paper Making with Sablatura KIPPERS

We spent another afternoon with Kippers.  This time at Sablatura Middle School.  These Kids in Pearland Preserving the Environment through Responsible Service made pinkish/red paper for St. Valentines day.
