Arbor Day Celebration November 8, 2014

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"What Font Should I Use?": Five Principles for Choosing and Using Typefaces | Smashing Magazine

"What Font Should I Use?": Five Principles for Choosing and Using Typefaces | Smashing Magazine:

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I love fonts, I love funky fonts, I love fancy fonts, but I really control myself and limit myself to fonts that are readable.  This article about choosing fonts and typefaces is great!

National Planting Day 2014

Keep Pearland Beautiful participated in the third annual National Planting Day with a tree planting at the VFW Post on August 28, 2014.

The Last of the "Cool" Days

The last of the "cool" days, that is what I thought a few weeks ago.  Then a front came through Tuesday and dropped the temperature to that of an early spring day.  Yesterday a few of us went to the Yardwise Garden adjacent to the Stella Roberts Recycling Center 5800 Magnolia, Pearland TX  77584.  Working for 3 hours when it is cool made it pleasant.  Waking up this morning to 52 degrees was a treat!  I am trying to relish this weather and remember it.  Remind me in July that I said I would be grateful for our cooler than normal spring and NOT whine about the summer :-)!

If You Build It

We talk about wanting this and wanting that program but then reality hits.  What if you built it and No One Comes.  Every program and every project that you start has to be maintained and managed by someone.  Keep Pearland Beautiful has a beautiful native and adaptive garden that is one of Pearland's best kept secret.  The Yard Wise Garden is adjacent to the Stella Roberts Recycling Center 5800 Magnolia. Pearland TX 77584.  When you park in front of the center the garden is just to the left of the center.  We are starting a club, we will call it the Yard Wise Gardening Club.  Once a month we will meet and maintain this demonstration garden so that others can enjoy it.  In a few hours once a month we can stay ahead of the weeds and keep this garden tamed.  Please email me at if you are interested in joining our merry band of gardeners!

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A Thought for Monday

Today is the memorial service for a brave woman who fought brain cancer for over 25 years.  My thoughts and prayers are with her family especially her funny, smart, caring father who is a dear friend.  I can't even imagine what it is like to lose a child.  I really admire the strength and resilience that my friend Dorman's family has shown through their loss of a dearly beloved one.

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Rustic Oak Nature Center is Covered in Blue Bonnets!

Spring is in the air... yesterday it was cool and rainy but this visit to a local nature center was worth it!

You don't ever imagine that one thoughtful act can spread...

But if the act involves blue bonnets and they are allowed to go to seed every year and then mowed down then they will spread!  A friend of ours was very ill and in the hospital.  We went on a road trip to the Antique Rose Emporium.  Zachary and I found some blue bonnet plants for sale and we purchased 4 plants.  We took them to the Rustic Oak Elementary School Nature Center and planted them.  Every year the seed spread out a little bit more and with the right amount of rain ... the blue bonnets are putting on quite a show!

Source Reduction

Do you ever read something and think I don't think that is right?  But then you find yourself doubting yourself and what you think that you know.  Maybe that person has it right.  You think a bit more and then you grab your phone or computer and use the power of google to give you the definitive answer.

The last time this happened to me I was reading a piece someone wrote about source reduction.  It was a component of a broader question about solid waste management practices.  Source reduction is a component of the three "r's" reduce, reuse, and recycle.

According to the EPA source reduction results from reducing the amount of material needs and used to make products or their packaging.  Sometimes source reduction is called waste minimization.  A few specific examples of source reduction practices are: 
  • Redesigning products to use fewer materials (e.g., lightweighting, material substitution). 
  • Reusing products and materials (e.g., a refillable water bottle). 
  • Extending the useful lifespan of products. 
  • Avoiding using materials in the first place (e.g., reducing junk mail).
  • On-site composting and grasscycling or "leave it on the lawn"
Here are some simple source reduction strategies from the National Recycling Coalition that you as a consumer can incorporate into your life.

     1. Reduce product use, ask yourself if you really need to purchase another one of "those."
     2. Rent or lease products or equipment.
     3. Purchase rebuilt, remanufactured or refurbished products.
     4. Purchase more durable products.
     5. Purchase products containing nonhazardous materials.
     6. Purchase products that are reusable, refillable, or returnable.
     7. Purchase products in bulk.
     8. Purchase products with less packaging or reuse packaging.
     9. Share or reuse resources.

As landfill space becomes more of an issue for our communities we all need to help by using what I call the five R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rebuy and Rot).  Consider your options and use some of these strategies to become a more environmentally responsible citizen of Pearland.  Call us 281-652-1659 or email us ( at Keep Pearland Beautiful ( to find out more!

Keep Pearland Beautiful hosts Cigarette Litter Awareness Day - Your Houston News: Living

Keep Pearland Beautiful hosts Cigarette Litter Awareness Day - Your Houston News: Living

It is really difficult for me to separate work from the rest of my life.  I am so passionate about improving our community environment.  Littering costs us so much on multiple levels.  Cigarette Butts in particular are disgusting, unsightly and harmful to our wildlife mostly by poisoning their habitats.  Please remind the smokers you know to keep their butts in their cars!  We have some cigarette butt receptacles that fit nicely into your car cup holder.  Visit us and pick up one today.
Our office is in the Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Dr, Pearland, Texas 77581 - we are here 9AM to 4PM most days Monday through Friday.  Give us call to make sure we aren't out at an event (281-652-1659)

Scientists sequence DNA of ancient American - SciGuy

Scientists sequence DNA of ancient American - SciGuy:

Eric Berger is one of my favorite writers/ bloggers from the Houston Chronicle.  Of course, that may be because I am a BIG Geek and he is the SciGuy!  This posting about sequencing the DNA from a Clovis culture one year old boy.  The DNA sequencing helps support evidence for the migration of people to North America from Siberia 15000 years ago.  Check out the full story at the link listed above!

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Ice, Snow and Sleet

There was so much ice on the car on Friday morning.  It took a long time for it to defrost enough to drive.  I made the trip into work safely since there were many routes to take that didn't involve crossing bridges.  It was a quiet day, just a few calls.  A great time to hide out at the office and get stuff done. Saturday was extremely cold to begin the day and beautiful.  I hung out with at the Farmer's Market and handed out seedlings.  From there Auntie Waste went to winterfest.

Last of a Beautiful Christmas Cactus ....

I Love Christmas Cacti...

But I have never had any success with keeping it blooming through Christmas and alive into the next year to watch it bloom again.  I have several friends who have Christmas Cactus success.  So, before next Christmas I am going to learn the nuances of keeping one alive and getting it to bloom.

As a biologist who took plenty of botany, horticulture and physiology I know the importance of the circadian to the flowering of certain plants.  Until the plant is exposed to the right amount of dark it will not bloom.  Then there is the amount of water a plant needs and putting it in the right soil conditions. Almost seems like it is easier to have a pet than to try to cultivate a particular flowering plant (I know all plants flower - they have to have flowering I mean a houseplant that has a visually pleasing bloom).

Here are some sites that I want to save and revisit next November when the shops start selling Christmas Cacti...
Have you had success with Christmas Cacti?  If so please share your story with me!

Then maybe we can move onto that pesky poinsettia....

2014 Arbor Day Tree Seedling Giveaway Continues

On January 11, 2014 Keep Pearland Beautiful celebrated Arbor Day with an annual tree seedling giveaway.  Over 200 people came by our two locations and picked up seedlings to nurture and grow into trees.  Keep Pearland Beautiful gives away a different assortment of trees and shrubs every year to increase the diversity of trees within the city of Pearland.

We still have seedlings in our office (American Beautyberry, Swamp Chestnut Oak, PawPaw, Pecan, Southern Crabapple, and Laurel Oak).  Information about these trees can be found on our website (  Please come by our offices at 3523 Liberty Dr, Pearland, TX  77581 9AM-3PM Monday through Fridays until January 24, 2014 to get some seedlings.  On January 25, 2014 we will be taking the remaining seedlings to the Farmer’s Market (8AM-Noon in Zychlinski Park 2243 Grand Blvd. Pearland, Texas 77581) to give them away.    

Trees are an essential part of our native landscape and to our ecosystem in general.    They produce the oxygen we breathe and help cool our homes by providing shade.  Trees give us many benefits that can be calculated by complex formulas.  Casey Trees and Davy Tree Expert Companies have developed an online calculator that can tell you the value of a tree on your property.

Basically you just have to know the type of tree and it’s diameter.  The diameter of a tree is typically measured at 4.5 feet high on the tree (about chest high on an average size man).  To calculate the diameter you can measure the circumference at that height with a tape measure and divide that number by pi (3.142).  Then visit the following website (

There are several great websites that you can visit to learn more about trees and how to take care of your trees.  

If you have questions regarding your trees, shrubs or flowers, please contact the City of Pearland Urban Forester John Walters at or 281.652.1983. The Urban Forester is unable to make house calls, but if you would like to send digital photos of your tree questions or concerns, please do so to the email address above. The urban forester is happy to provide the public with pertinent information or provide a program or informational workshop to your group or classroom.

Pearland Community Garden

What an honor! At The Pearland Neighborhood Center's Annual Soup Kitchen Open House on December 14, 2013 our wonderful partners the Pearland Community Gardens received the Good Neighbor of the Year Award.  Lead by our beautification committee chair Cassie Mitchell, the gardens have donated a lot of fresh food (over 1100 pounds) to the center during 2013!  Keep Pearland Beautiful thanks all of the Community Garden Volunteers for everything they do for our community and helping us to make Pearland the most beautiful city in Texas.
